Accommodations and Meals

Narnia Arts Academy arranged special meals and lodging conventions with local restaurants and hotels.

Meals Conventions

Students can take advantage of a special agreement on meal pricing arranged by Narnia Arts Academy with the restaurants

  • La Taverna dell’Aquila Nera
  • Ristorante Il Fondaco
  • Ristorante Mamarama
  • Pub Arcomincio

Lunch/dinner coupons available at a special price of €8, €11 and €16 each can be purchased exclusively at the Narnia Arts Academy office (cash only).

  • Pre Fix Menu (€8 exclusively at La Taverna dell’Aquila Nera and Pub Arcomincio) includes:
    • First course
    • Second course with vegetable
    • Bread
    • Water
  • One Course Meal (€11 exclusively at Fondaco, Mamarama and Pub Arcomincio) includes:
    • Choice of first course or second course with vegetables
    • Coffee
    • Water
  • Two Course Meal (€16 exclusively at Fondaco and Mamarama) includes:
    • Choice of two first courses
    • Choice of two second courses with vegetables
    • Choice of fruit, dessert or coffee
    • Water

Those who do not want to take advantage of this special meal package can handle the food on their own.

Lodging Conventions

NARNIA ARTS ACADEMY has a special and exclusive agreement with the following lodging facilities.

  • Hotel La Loggia dei Priori
  • Residence Le Stanze del Giglio
  • Ostello Domus Narnia
  • Residence Palazzo Barilatti – rooms and apartments
  • Hotel Terra Umbra

The Hotel La Loggia dei Priori, the Residences Le Stanze del Giglio and Palazzo Barilatti, and the Domus Narnia Hostel are very close to the campus venues. Hotel Terra Umbra is located 9 Km (5.5 miles) from the main square in Narni.

Upon request, accommodation can be arranged in apartments for rent and B&Bs in the historical center of Narni. Accommodation can also be arranged in apartments and B&Bs with swimming pool located outside the center of town, ideal for families with cars). Please specify this request on the application form. For info, please contact Narnia Arts Academy. Email

Those who do not want to take advantage of our special offers can handle meals and hotel accommodations independently.

In order to book your lodging facility it is necessary to check the related boxes on the

The rooms (and any requests for sharing) will be assigned taking into account the dates of your reservation.

Students are recommended to book as soon as possible to ensure getting accommodations near the location of the courses.

Accommodations must be paid upon arrival at the Narnia Arts Academy Offices, located in the theater.  Credit Cards are not accepted.

From a minimum of €0,50 to a maximum of €2.50 per person per night.
The tourist tax may vary accordingly to the lodging facility and the services offered.
The tourist tax should be paid at our offices.

IMPORTANT INFO: the Narnia Festival final concert featuring all students and teachers will take place on Sunday, July 30, at 9.00pm. If you choose not to keep the room for the night of July 30, the check out is required by 12noon of July 30.


Via Gattamelata 74 – Narni

  • Spacious and comfortable rooms with four/six/eight beds with private bathroom, inside or outside the room: €29 per person

The price is per night and includes breakfast.
Also included, free of charge: use of the large common room, the library, a large garden, parking area, television, a large panoramic terrace, bed linens and daily cleaning service.
Towels are not included in the price and guests must bring their own.


Vicolo del Comune, 4 – Narni

3 Star Hotel, situated in the main square of Narni’s old town centre, made out of a 15th century building renovated by means of an excellent blending of old and modern decoration. The Hotel has 17 rooms and 2 suites, all equipped with facilities such as color TV, FM radio, bar fridge and with every comfort offered by the 3 star category. Free Internet point. Buffet breakfast included.

  • room typeprice per person
  • Single €61
  • Double €44
  • Triple €38
  • Quadruple €31


Via del Campanile, 4 – Narni

Situati nel centro storico di Narni, gli appartamenti “ Le Stanze del Giglio “ nascono da un’elegante ristrutturazione di un palazzo storico del secolo XVI. L’ingresso, dalla caratteristica via del Campanile, dà accesso agli affascinanti ambienti ricavati nei cortiletti interni d’impianto tardo medioevale.

L’immobile è accessibile anche ai disabili, poiché dotato di tutti gli ausili per il superamento delle barriere architettoniche. Un’opportunità di rilievo riguarda la possibilità di poter utilizzare le zone comuni a tutto il complesso dell’albergo: terrazzo, sala lettura con camino, salone dedicato ai pranzi e alle serate conviviali e alla degustazione dei prodotti tipici umbri, nella migliore tradizione dell’agriturismo umbro.

Gli appartamenti (composti di soggiorno – angolo cottura – camera – bagno) sono dotati di minifrigo, riscaldamento, aria condizionata autonoma, televisore e internet wireless gratuito. Colazione NON inclusa. Servizio di pulizia totale settimanale. Ritiro giornaliero della spazzatura da differenziare. Biancheria da bagno con cambio ogni 3 giorni. Pulizia del bagno e veloce riassetto ogni 3 giorni. Biancheria da letto con cambio settimanale.

    • CAMERA 3
      Dotazione: 1 letto matrimoniale, possibilità di aggiungere 1 letto singolo in soggiorno
      Uso singola: €70
      Uso doppia: €45 a persona
    • CAMERA 4
      Dotazione: 1 matrimoniale soppalco + 1 matrimoniale soggiorno
      Uso singola: €80 a persona
      Uso doppia: €45 a persona
      Uso tripla: €40 a persona
      Uso quadrupla: €35 a persona
    • CAMERA 6
      Dotazione: 2 letti singoli
      Uso singola: €70 a persona
      Uso doppia: €40 a persona
    • CAMERA 8
      Dotazione: 1 letto alla francese
      Uso singola: €70 a persona
      Uso doppia: €45 a persona
      Uso tripla: €40 a persona
      Uso quadrupla: €35 a persona
    • CAMERA 9
      Dotazione: 1 matrimoniale + letto singolo soggiorno
      Uso singola: €80 a persona
      Uso doppia: €45 a persona
      Uso tripla: €40 a persona
      Uso quadrupla: €35 a persona


Piazza Galeotto Marzio – Narni

Right in the medieval center of Narni (just steps away from the area where the courses will be held) is Palazzo Barilatti, a completely renovated period building. All the apartments have private bathrooms, kitchenette, LCD TV, air conditioning and free 24 hour Internet. The large, bright rooms are airy and comfortable, thanks to furnishings which are both functional and cozy. Cleaning service is twice weekly, with a change of bed linens. Breakfast not included.

  • room/apartment price per apartment/per person
  • room with two twin beds ‘basic’, no kitchen €70.00 per night (€35.00 per person)
  • double room ‘deluxe’, no kitchen €78.00 per night (€39.00 per person)
  • Apartment ‘deluxe’ for four people (one double room and two twin beds in the loft), kitchen €144 per night (€36.00 per person)
  • Apartment ‘deluxe’ for three people (one room with two twin beds or queen and a single room), kitchen €138 a notte (€46.00 per person)


S.P. Maratta Bassa, 61 – Narni

Situated on the outskirts of the mediaeval Umbrian town of Narni and set amongst 15 acres of parkland and surrounded by wooded hills, close to the imposing Rocca Albornoz Castle, this historical complex enjoys spectacular views over the surrounding countryside.
The entrance opens on a facade decorated with Moorish-style ornaments, where the lobby with the reception desk and the bar welcome the guests. A massive wooden staircase leads to the first floor housing the hotel rooms. Each one of the rooms differs from the others in its colors, antique furnishings and fine upholsteries. Air-conditioning, plasma screens TV, mini-bar and safe are available in all rooms. Breakfast is included and is served in the “Preziosa” room that opens to the enchanting Cloister with its ancient dwell and the flower-filled alley leading to the terraces and gardens. The garden with its alleys as well as the whole park are at the complete disposal of those who like walking in the nature in absolute peace and quiet.

    • room typeprice per person
    • Single €82
    • Single with full size bed €88
    • Double standard €53
    • Double economy €49
    • Triple €43
    • Triple Suite €50
    • Quadruple €37
    • Quadruple Suite €42

    Tourist tax €2.50 per night
    Distance from Narni main square: 9 km.